True story: I've had this website in different incomplete stages for over two years. Creating a site from scratch yourself while learning a new platform is quite simply, a lot of work. I reshot my images, added new products, updated my packaging, and stressed about things that simultaneously felt very silly and very important, like image sizes, fonts, and wording throughout. I hope you'll pop around and check out what all my fretting and hand wringing was about.
If you're new to Miniature Rhino, welcome! How the hell are ya? Nice to meet you! I'd love to hear where you are in the world and how you got here in a comment.
If you're a long time Mini Rhino friend maybe you remember the good ol' days when I updated my blogger blog where I'd post DIYs and pruddy pictures. It's been awhile (a long while!) since I've updated there, mainly because Instagram feels more like my daily mini blog. I plan to continue blogging here now with more long form updates about new products, classes and events, DIYs, book reviews and more. I'm really excited to now have everything (shop & blog) in one place, so you can easily find me & my updates. So if you're into that kind of shenanigans check back often.
Since my upcoming book, Make & Mend, is due out soon (mark your damn calendar for 8/21!!), I'll be sharing a lot of updates and news about all things book related. Scheming up some classes and giveaways too!
Thanks so much for reading this far and I can't wait to share more creativity and punny jokes with you.